22nd February 2024--- 9:30 till 13:30 face to face or via video link

Covering all requirements for the role from KCSiE23 in a small group setting with discussion and Q & A.

£60 per person (+VAT)

Venue: The Elm Tree Learning Partnership, Staverton, Gloucester

Please contact me for further details & a course synopsis.


6th December 2023 --- 9.30 - 11am via video link

Suitable for anyone with a Safeguarding interest, this seminar will look at:

  • What is the Online Safety Act and what impact will it have? 
  • How will it be brought in and what are the stages? 
  • What will this mean for those working with children - what should we have in place in the meantime?
  • What are the potential unintended consequences? 

Cost £30 (+VAT) per person. 

To book or ask a question, please contact us on Janebeesafeguarding@gmail.com or 07904007763 

30th November 2023 --- 9.30am - 1pm via video link. 

Suitable for settings from any agency (education, early years, children's therapeutic care providers, charities, faith groups etc.) Using the latest legislation the course covers:

  • What statutory guidance and overarching legal Framework are we working to? 
  • What knowledge beyond the basics are you required to have? (including knowledge of multi-agency processes) 
  • What processes are you responsible for in your setting as the DSL and how does this fit with statutory agencies and inspection? 

Cost £50 (+VAT) per person. 

To book or ask a question, please contact us on Janebeesafeguarding@gmail.com or 07904007763